GLIS-3000 珠宝发光成像分析仪
GLIS-3000 珠宝发光成像分析仪,可以对批量厘钻、镶嵌钻石首饰进行快速判断和筛选,由于天然钻石与合成钻石的紫外荧光发光图样和磷光图样有明显的区别,该仪器内置光源激发钻石发光,拍摄和记录被测样品的荧光和磷光图像,再根据所记录的图像进行分析,找出有问题钻石的具体位置。
GLIS-3000 GEM Luminescence Imaging System can help the user to judge batches of small diamonds quickly (as small as 0.001 carat) and mounted diamond. The Ultraviolet fluorescence image and the phosphorescence image of natural diamond and synthetic diamond are different. GLIS-3000 excites diamond to becomes luminescence through the built in Ultraviolet light source, captures and records the fluorescence and phosphorescence image of the sample, and we can find out the position of the suspected diamonds with problem by analyzing the relevant images.
The fluorescence and phosphorescence of diamond:
When exposed to UV light, diamond can emit different intensity of the blue visible light, which is fluorescence. If we remove the UV light source, diamond can still emit visible light, this is phosphorescence.

>>最大测量面积可达10cm×7cm Measurement area up to 10cm*7cm
>>可同时测量荧光和磷光 The simultaneous measurement of fluorescence and phosphorescence
>>可批量同时检测,可测量裸石和镶嵌成品 The simultaneous measurement of batch diamond, the ability of measuring the bare stone and inlaid diamond
>>可测量任意形状和大小,最小可检测一厘的钻石 The ability of measuring diamond with any shape and size, the smallest size of measurement is 0.001 carat.

