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OceanOpticsSpectrometer>> Fiber Optic Spectrometer>>USB-TC USB2000 Temperature Controller   

USB2000/USB4000 Temperature Controller USB-TC

The new USB Temperature Controller (USB-TC) is an attachable heating device for our USB4000 and USB2000+ Miniature Spectrometers that greatly improves the stability of your measurements.

The USB-TC attaches directly to your spectrometer's optical bench and maintains a preselected temperature that allows your spectrometer's optical alignment to remain accurate.

Since optical stability is critical for applications such as LED manufacturing, the USB-TC delivers an exceptional result where repeatable results are most critical.

The USB-TC is available with preselected set-point temperatures (25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 and 55 degrees Celsius) A 12-VDC, 3 Amp power supply is included.

With constant ambient temperature, the USB-TC stabilizes to within 0.1ºC of the final temperature within 30 minutes of power-up. The system will operate in temperatures ranging from 5-40ºC below the setpoint temperature.

The USB2000+ and USB4000 are among the most popular miniature spectrometers in the world. Their small-footprint, high-speed CCD-array design is ideal for a wide range of applications. Modular optical bench accessories (entrance apertures, order sorting filters and more) make it possible to configure the USB2000+ and USB4000 for hundreds of different applications.

The USB-TC is available with new spectrometer purchases or as a retrofit option for existing owners of USB2000+ and USB4000 spectrometers.


Size: 6.35 cm x 8.9 xm x 3.18 cm
Power required: 12 VDC
Temperature threshold: 65 + 2 ºC
Temperature accuracy: Selected temperature
Ambient temperature range: Controls to selected temperature when ambient range > 0 ºC and > 5 ºC below selected temperature
Temperature stabilization time: With constant ambient temperature, stabilizes with within 0.1 ºC of the final temperature within 30 minutes of power-up
Input current: < 3.0 Amps

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