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Light Sources
New Product
* PL-3000 Photoluminescence Spectrometer
* GLIS-3000 GEM Luminous Imaging 
* bluLoop Multi-LED Light Source
* HL-2000 Tungsten Halogen Light 
* LS-1 Tungsten Halogen Light So
* DH-2000 Deuterium Tungsten Halogen&
* Balanced Deuterium Tungsten Halogen
* Miniature Deuterium Tungsten Haloge
* D-2000 Deuterium Light Sources
* High-powered Continuous-wave Xenon 

Light Sources>> Wavelength Calibration Sources>>Neon, Xenon and Krypton Calibration Light Source  

New Choices in Neon, Xenon and Krypton

Along with our established lineup of calibration sources, we've added the following options to give you unparalleled flexibility.

NE-1 Neon Calibration Light Source
The NE-1 Neon Calibration Source is a wavelength calibration source for UV-VIS-Shortwave NIR spectrophotometric systems.

This source produces Neon lines from 540-754 nm and is an ideal lamp to use when performing fast, accurate spectrometer wavelength calibrations.

The NE-1 features an SMA 905 Connector for interfacing with our optical fibers. It operates with a 12 VDC power supply (included with the unit) or 9V battery (not included).


XE-1 Xenon Calibration Light Source
The XE-1 Xenon Calibration Source is a wavelength calibration source for UV-VIS-Shortwave NIR spectrophotometric systems.

The XE-1 produces Xenon lines from 916-1984 nm, and is an ideal lamp to use when performing fast, accurate spectrometer wavelength calibrations.

The XE-1 features an SMA 905 Connector for interfacing with our optical fibers. It operates with a 12 VDC power supply (included with the unit) or 9V battery (not included).


KR-1 Krypton Calibration Light Source
The KR-1 Krypton Calibration Source is a wavelength calibration source for UV-VIS-Shortwave NIR spectrophotometric systems. The KR-1 produces Krypton lines from 427-893 nm, and is an ideal lamp to use when performing fast, accurate spectrometer wavelength calibrations. The KR-1 features an SMA 905 Connector for interfacing with our optical fibers. It operates with a 12 VDC power supply (included with the unit) or 9V battery (not included).


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