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OceanOpticsSpectrometer>> Oxygen Sensors System>>FoxyKit Oxygen Sensing  

FoxyKit Oxygen Sensing

Ready for Anything

FoxyKit is everything you need for oxygen sensing in the lab, field, process line and teaching environment. With FoxyKit, you have a complete, out of the box solution for a variety of applications. FoxyKit is pre-configured and ready for action.

The user interface allows you to set single- or multi-point calibration and display oxygen readings in percent of oxygen, partial pressure, moles per liter and more.

Patch Kit
Perfect for headspace measurements, testing of liquids and more. The Patch Kit is the total solution for invasively measuring gaseous or dissolved oxygen in any media. The RedEye oxygen sensing patches included can be applied inside any clear vessel for the measuring and monitoring of partial pressure of oxygen in applications such as:

- Monitoring oxygen in sealed food packaging
- Bioreactor oxygen mass flow control for high yield growth of bacteria
- Microplate reader cellular respiration detection

Every FoxyKit Patch Kit includes:

  • NeoFox
    Oxygen Sensing System
  • NeoFox Viewer Software
  • NeoFox-TP
  • Re-Bifboro
    2.0 Meter, 35um .55 NA Borosilicate Bundle
  • RE-FOX-8
    8 mm Foxy sensor patch

Probe Kit
The FoxyKit Probe Kit is the perfect solution for measuring gaseous or dissolved oxygen in any media. The included Foxy-R Probe can be immersed into your solution to measure the following:

- Bacterial oxygen consumption in waste water treatment facilities
- Oxygen consumption in fisheries
- Head space in food and other packaging
- Intracranial brain respiration in trauma care environments
- The effects of Algal oxygen consumption on sea water pH
- Mitochondrial respiration

Every FoxyKit Probe Kit includes:

  • NeoFox
    Oxygen Sensing System
  • NeoFox Viewer Software
  • NeoFox-TP
  • 21-02
    SMA splice bushing
  • Bifboro-1000-2
    2.0 Meter, 35um .55 NA borosilicate bundle
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