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Light Sources
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* PL-3000 Photoluminescence Spectrometer
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* LS-1 Tungsten Halogen Light So
* DH-2000 Deuterium Tungsten Halogen&
* Balanced Deuterium Tungsten Halogen
* Miniature Deuterium Tungsten Haloge
* D-2000 Deuterium Light Sources
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OceanOpticsSpectrometer>> Oxygen Sensors System>>FOXY Sensor Formulation  

FOXY Sensor Formulation

Our Oxygen Sensing Probes with the FOXY Formulation applied are designed for monitoring partial pressure of oxygen in benign gasses and aqueous liquids. Standard FOXY probe tips are covered with a layer of hydrophobic sol-gel material with a ruthenium compound trapped in the sol-gel matrix. When excited by an LED, the ruthenium complex fluoresces. If the excited ruthenium complex then encounters an oxygen molecule, the excess energy quenches the fluorescent signal. The fluorescence intensity or phase shift is measured by an Ocean Optics spectrometer or NeoFox system, and is related to the partial pressure of oxygen.

Choosing a Probe
Once you choose the best Sensor Coating Formulation for your application, you need to select the fiber optic probe onto which the sensor coating is applied. For a list of fiber optic probes, click here.

FOXY Coating Specifications

Principle Photoluminescence-quenching using Ru compound. Measures O2 partial pressure.
Sensor mechanism Phase shift due to change in partial pressure of O2
Applications Benign environment, aqueous liquids and vapors
Time-constant (µsec) dynamic range Air: 2.50, N2: 5.00; Low 1.00, High 7.00
Accuracy: (0–20% O2, 0–50ºC) <5% of reading (using polynomial fit to multipoint calibration)
Response time of probe with no overcoat <1 second in gas, 30-45 seconds in liquid
Response time of dissolved oxygen in liquid (with overcoat) 30-45 seconds
Response time of probe with Overcoat of Oxygen Gas (at 1 atmosphere) 30-60 seconds
Dynamic range of Dissolved Oxygen in liquid 0–40.7 ppm; 0–760 mm Hg partial pressure
Dynamic range of Oxygen Gas (at 1 atmosphere) 0–100% (mole percent); 0–760 mm Hg partial pressure
Stability Dissolved Oxygen in liquid Drift<0.01 ppm per hour
Stability Oxygen Gas (at 1 atmosphere) Drift ~0.03% O2 per hour
Resolution of Dissolved Oxygen in liquid 0.02 ppm at room temperature
Resolution of Oxygen Gas (at 1 atmosphere) 0.05% (0.4 mmHg) at room temperature
Lowest detectable limit of Dissolved Oxygen in liquid 0.02 ppm
Lowest detectable limit of oxygen gas (at 1 atmosphere) 0.05% (0.4 mm Hg)
Overcoat available Yes, order FOXY-AF or FOXY-AF-MG
Temperature range -50ºC to +80ºC
Temperature Temperature sensor and software-supported compensation
Temperature recalibration Only when probe is replaced/refurbished
Probe lifetime Reconditioning recommended once per year
pH operating range 1-10 pH
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