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* PL-3000 Photoluminescence Spectrometer
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* LS-1 Tungsten Halogen Light So
* DH-2000 Deuterium Tungsten Halogen&
* Balanced Deuterium Tungsten Halogen
* Miniature Deuterium Tungsten Haloge
* D-2000 Deuterium Light Sources
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OceanOpticsSpectrometer>> Oxygen Sensors System>>HIOXY Sensor Formulation  

HIOXY Sensor Formulation

Two years of research and development pursuing a high-performance oxygen sensor compatible with hydrocarbon environments has resulted in our new HIOXY sensor. The HIOXY sensor is designed for monitoring oxygen partial pressure in non-aqueous vapors and solutions. The sensor coating chemistry is ideal for use with oils, alcohols and hydrocarbon-based vapors and liquids. HIOXY has been tested successfully in commercial and military aviation fuels, gasoline, diesel, some alcohols, glycol, military hydraulic fluids and wine analysis.

Choosing a Probe
Once you choose the best Sensor Coating Formulation for your application, you need to select the fiber optic probe onto which the sensor coating is applied. For a list of fiber optic probes, click here.

HIOXY Coating Specifications

Principle Photoluminescence-quenching using Ru compound. Measures O2 partial pressure.
Sensor mechanism Phase shift due to change in partial pressure of O2
Applications Hydrocarbon-based liquids and vapors, fuels, alcoholic beverages, vegetable oil
Time-constant (µsec) dynamic range Air: 0.50, N2: 2.50; Low: 0.30, High: 6.00
Accuracy: (0–20% O2, 0–50ºC) <5% of reading (using polynomial fit to multipoint calibration)
Response time of probe with no overcoat <1 second in gas, 30-45 seconds in liquid
Response time of dissolved oxygen in liquid (with overcoat) Overcoat not required
Response time of probe with Overcoat of Oxygen Gas (at 1 atmosphere) Overcoat not required
Dynamic range of Dissolved Oxygen in liquid 0–8.7 ppm; 0–170 mm Hg partial pressure
Dynamic range of Oxygen Gas (at 1 atmosphere) 0–20.9% (mole percent); 0–160 mm Hg partial pressure
Stability Dissolved Oxygen in liquid Drift<0.002 ppm per hour
Stability Oxygen Gas (at 1 atmosphere)

Drift ~0.01% O2 per hour

Resolution of Dissolved Oxygen in liquid 0.02 ppm at room temperature
Resolution of Oxygen Gas (at 1 atmosphere) 0.05% (0.4 mmHg) at room temperature
Lowest detectable limit of Dissolved Oxygen in liquid 0.02 ppm
Lowest detectable limit of oxygen gas (at 1 atmosphere) 0.05% (0.4 mm Hg)
Overcoat available No overcoat available
Temperature range -50ºC to +60ºC
Temperature Temperature sensor and software-supported compensation
Temperature recalibration Only when probe is replaced/refurbished
Probe lifetime Reconditioning recommended once per year
pH operating range 1-10 pH
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