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OceanOpticsSpectrometer>> Oxygen Sensors System>>RedEye Oxygen Sensing Patches  

RedEye® Oxygen Sensing Patches

The RedEye® is a revolutionary oxygen sensing product designed specifically to measure oxygen in packaging. The RedEye is integrated into the inside of the package during the packaging manufacturing process and when used with a blue LED and fluorometer, will quantitatively report the amount of oxygen in the package.

How it Works

The RedEye uses fluorescence quenching of the ruthenium or porphyrin complex to measure the partial pressure of dissolved or gaseous oxygen:

  1. The RedEye consists of a sensor coating formulation trapped in a sol-gel matrix, immobilized and protected from the package contents.

  2. A specially engineered bifurcated optical probe (RE-BIFBORO-2) is pointed at the part of the package where the RedEye has been applied. The  RE-BIFBORO-2 high sensitivity borosilicate optical probe is connected to a blue LED and a Fluorometer.

  3. A blue LED sends excitation light via the optical probe. The light from the blue LED passes over the RedEye and excites the sensor coating formulation. The excited RedEye fluoresces.

  4. If the RedEye encounters an oxygen molecule, the excess energy is transferred to the oxygen molecule in a non-radiative transfer, decreasing or quenching the fluorescence signal. The degree of quenching correlates to the partial pressure of oxygen in the sol-gel matrix, which is in dynamic equilibrium with oxygen in the sample. If oxygen is present, a user can visually observe the RedEye turning pink.

  5. The fluorescence is collected by the RE-BIFBORO-2 optical probe and transmitted to the Fluorometer. The fluorescence phase is measured and related to the partial pressure of oxygen through the Stern-Volmer equation.


Choose from 2 Oxygen Sensor Coatings

We use high-performance sol-gel coatings for our RedEye, while manufacturers of similar products use polymer membranes. sol-gel coatings provide many advantages over polymer membranes such as better thermal and mechanical stability, superior chemical compatibility, ease of production and faster response time. The RedEye can be manufactured with either of our oxygen sensor coatings.

  • The RedEye with the HIOXY coating formulation is designed to monitor oxygen in non-aqueous vapors and solutions and is ideal for use with oils and alcohols. There is no other oxygen sensor available for packaging that can be used in alcohols.

  • The RedEye with the FOXY coating is a good general-purpose solution designed for benign gases, liquids and gels.

 Self-adhesive RedEye for Testing

The RedEye has no minimum and maximum diameter sizes, but typically sizes will vary from a few millimeters to several centimeters. Every order is manufactured per a customer’s specifications. Though the RedEye typically is integrated into a product’s packaging, it can be introduced into a package post-production for R&D purposes as self-adhesive acrylic patches with one of our three coating formulations.

Typical Applications

  • Point of care analysis (i.e. disposable oxygen attachments for ventilators used during anesthesia operation)

  • Blood bag analysis

  • Beverage and food packaging

  • Bio process control

  • Cell culture monitoring

 RedEye Ordering Information

In addition to the RedEye patch (available in two coating options), we also offer an evaluation kit consisting of a pack of 5 patches in each of the coating options.

Item Description
RE-BIFBORO-2 Bifurcated optical fiber with borosilicate bundle specially designed for high sensitivity in RedEye patches applications
RE-FOX-4 Single RedEye patch, 4 mm, FOXY coating
RE-FOX-8 Single RedEye patch, 8 mm, FOXY coating
RE-FOX-4-KIT 5 pack RedEye patch, 4 mm, FOXY coating
RE-FOX-8-KIT 5 pack RedEye patch, 8 mm, FOXY coating
RE-HI-4 Single RedEye patch, 4 mm, HIOXY coating
RE-HI-8 Single RedEye patch, 8 mm, HIOXY coating
RE-HI-4-KIT 5 pack RedEye patch, 4 mm, HIOXY coating
RE-HI-8-KIT 5 pack RedEye patch, 8 mm, HIOXY coating
RE-FOX-4 Single RedEye patch, 4 mm, FOSPOR coating
RE-FOS-8 Single RedEye patch, 8 mm, FOSPOR coating
RE-FOS-4-KIT 5 pack RedEye patch, 4 mm, FOSPOR coating
RE-FOS-8-KIT 5 pack RedEye patch, 8 mm, FOSPOR coating
 RE-HIOXY-HTP Single RedEye autoclavable patch, BK7 disk, HIOXY coating
*  for quantities of 1 – 10. Contact Ocean Optics for pricing for other quantities.

Chemical Compatibility

Chemical compatibility of coatings on patches: Our patches are designed primarily for benign gas and liquid environments. The patches are not compatible with chemicals that potentially attack acrylates and polyester adhesive polymers.

Please contact an Ocean Optics Applications Scientist if you are unsure which is best for you.

Coating Type FOXY Formulation HIOXY Formulation Fospor Formulation
  (general-purpose coating) (for hydrocarbon environments) (high-sensitivity for low levels of O2)
O2% range: 0-100% 0-100% at 1 ATM 0-20.9%
DO range (ppm): 0-40 ppm  0-40 ppm 0-8 ppm
Temperature range: (-)20 to (+)60 ºC for patches (-)20 to (+)60 ºC for patches 0 to (+)60 ºC for patches
O2% resolution (20 sec averaging): 0.05% 0.05% 0.01% (at 30 sec averaging)
DO resolution: 20 ppb at room temp. 20 ppb at room temp. 4 ppb at room temp.
O2% accuracy: 5% of reading 5% of reading 5% of reading
DO accuracy: 5% of reading 5% of reading 5% of reading
Min. detectable level: 0.1% O2 0.1% O2 0.01% O2 ( at 30 sec averaging)
Min. detectable level in water: 40 ppb 40 ppb 4 ppb at room temp.
Response time: < 1 second in gas < 1 second in gas < 15 second in gas
~30 seconds with overcoating in gas ~45 seconds in pure water  ~30 seconds with overcoating in gas
  ~45 seconds in pure water   ~45 seconds in pure water 
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