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Light Sources
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* PL-3000 Photoluminescence Spectrometer
* GLIS-3000 GEM Luminous Imaging 
* bluLoop Multi-LED Light Source
* HL-2000 Tungsten Halogen Light 
* LS-1 Tungsten Halogen Light So
* DH-2000 Deuterium Tungsten Halogen&
* Balanced Deuterium Tungsten Halogen
* Miniature Deuterium Tungsten Haloge
* D-2000 Deuterium Light Sources
* High-powered Continuous-wave Xenon 

OceanOpticsSpectrometer>> Fiber Optic Spectrometer>>STS OEM Microspectrometer  
Full Spectral Analysis in a Tiny Footprint
Our new STS Microspectrometer is a remarkably small CMOS-based unit that is less than 50 mm square and weighs just over 2 ounces.

This ultra-compact spectrometer is ideal for OEM devices and provides full spectral analysis with low stray light and high signal-to-noise ratio.

STS boasts optical resolution of ~1.5 nm (FWHM) with a 25 µm slit and is particularly suited for high-intensity applications such as LED characterization and absorbance/transmission measurements.

STS meets or exceeds optical resolution, stability, sensitivity and other performance criteria associated with larger, more expensive spectrometers.

STS is available with a 10 cm fiber that has a 400 µm core diameter and can be configured with 10, 25, 100 or 200 µm slits.

Choose STS-VIS for 350-800 nm wavelengths or STS-NIR for 650-1100 nm.

OEM Ready
For OEM applications, the STS features a price that matches its size. We also provide volume discounts for OEMs who qualify*.

Contact an Ocean Optics OEM Specialist for more details.

Sample Results with STS OEM Microspectrometer:

At a Glance

Dimensions: 40 mm x 42 mm x 24 mm
Weight: 68 g (2.4 oz.)
Type: ELIS1024, 1024 pixel linear CMOS
Range: 200-1100 m (uncoated)
Pixels/size: 1024, 7.8 x 125 µm
Wavelength range: VIS (350-800 nm), NIR (650-1100 nm)
Optical resolution: 1.5 nm FWHM (w/ 25 µm slit)
Signal-to-Noise ratio: >1500:1 (maximum signal)
A/D resolution: 14 bits
Dark noise: <3 counts RMS
Dynamic range: 6 x 109 (system, 10s maximum integration), 4600 single acquisition
Integration time: 10 µs - 10 s
Corrected linearity: 0.5% max deviation from best fit line (10-90% saturation)
Max dark current: < +/- 0.5% from 15-95% fullscale (2500-14000 counts net)
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