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Light Sources
New Product
* PL-3000 Photoluminescence Spectrometer
* GLIS-3000 GEM Luminous Imaging 
* bluLoop Multi-LED Light Source
* HL-2000 Tungsten Halogen Light 
* LS-1 Tungsten Halogen Light So
* DH-2000 Deuterium Tungsten Halogen&
* Balanced Deuterium Tungsten Halogen
* Miniature Deuterium Tungsten Haloge
* D-2000 Deuterium Light Sources
* High-powered Continuous-wave Xenon 

OceanOpticsSpectrometer>> Fiber Optic Spectrometer>>Torus Concave Grating Spectrometer  
Low Stray Light and Excellent Throughput
The Torus Miniature Spectrometer from Ocean Optics is a Visible range (360-825 nm) unit that delivers low stray light (0.015% at 400 nm) and high throughput.

Torus delivers scientific-grade performance with outstanding thermal stability, making is a brilliant choice for color measurement of LEDs and a wide range of other challenging applications.

For Torus, we use a variable line spacing grating with 550 (+/-2) grooves/mm groove density at center and a nominal blaze wavelength of 400 nm. This design yields an optical bench in which light can be manipulated more efficiently.

The concave grating also helps to improve thermal stability of the Torus. Wavelength drift is nearly eliminated and peak shape stays the same over a wide temperature range. As a result, Torus makes possible precision metrology, fluorescence and absorbance applications with demanding stray light and thermal stability requirements.

Typical Applications
Torus is the perfect solution for a wide range of applications where low stray light, high throughput and thermal stability are necessary:

  • Trace gas amounts in the atmosphere
  • Absorbance of optically dense solutions
  • Precision measurement of LEDs, lasers and other light sources
  • Medical dosimetry in tissue and biological media
  • Fluorescence from solid surfaces and backscattering/fluorescence in solutions and powders

Stray Light Performance of Torus Spectrometer:

Sample Results with Torus Spectrometer:

Pick Your Torus

Concave Grating Spectrometer
Pre-configured with
25 µm Slit
Concave Grating Spectrometer
Pre-configured with
25 µm Slit and
Order-Sorting Filter
Concave Grating Spectrometer
Pre-configured with
50 µm Slit

At a Glance

Dimensions: 149.9 mm x 119.4 mm x 63.5 mm
Weight: 954 g (2.1 lb)
Type: Sony ILX511B
Range: 200-1100 nm
Pixels/size: 2048
Wavelength range: 360-825 nm
Optical resolution: <2.0 nm FWHM over the spectral range
Signal-to-Noise ratio: 250:1 at full signal
A/D resolution: 16 bits
Dark noise: 50 RMS counts; 300 counts peak to peak
Dynamic range: 8.5x107 (system); 1300:1 (single acquisition)
Integration time: 1 ms - 65 s
Stray light: 0.015% SRPR @ 400 nm
Wavelength thermal stability: 0.025 nm/ ºC
Corrected linearity: >99%
Certification: CE Mark, RoHS
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