The Insight LIBS system is designed for the microanalysis of solid materials. The standard echelle spectrometer within the Insight provides a broad spectral range (190-800+ nm) and better than 0.1 nm resolution throughout the spectrum.
Major and minor elements can be resolved and the 30,000+ points in a typical spectrum can be expanded to reveal lines separated by less than 0.02 nm in the UV range. The intensified CCD camera used in the Insight allows excellent sensitivity to low light levels -- enhancing the spectral of trace elements.
The addLIBS™ software included with Insight is designed to make plasma emission spectroscopy analysis easy. addLIBS allows you to explore spectra using partial NIST or in-house spectral libraries, annotate spectra, develop calibration methods using known samples and apply calibrations manually or automatically to unknown spectra.
Once a method is developed, it can be repeatedly applied without further analysis or it can be modified at will.
Built for High-Fidelity Measurements
- Rugged Nd:YAG laser, sensitive echelle spectrometer
- Built-in timing control circuit synchronizes laser and spectrometer
- Confocal video and laser planes ensure measurement repeatability
- Purged sample chamber
- Class1 safety enclosure
- Adjustable, coaxial lighting of sample
- Variable laser energy
- Variable spectrometer delay
- Software-selectable spot size from sub-5 µm to 2 mm (FWHM)
Powerful and Easy to Use
- Sample interrogation and analysis software tools
- Laser energy measurement and display
- User-selected repetition rate
- User-selected spot size of laser via software
- Single-shot, burst and continuous firing modes
- Color video microscope displays live sample images
- Optional computer-controlled x/y stage for sample holding